Monday, July 19, 2010

Fixin' Photos

I don't know if you could exactly call this fixing the photos, but rather making them different.

For The Sunset and heart photo I decreased saturation to -25, increased hue to +25
,darken it to -7 and set the color balance to red +80.

For the Flower photo, I wanted to make it look as surreal as possible. I wanted it to kind of look heavenly. For this photo I adjusted brightness to 100 and contrast to 40. I adjusted curve output to 219 and input to 244. I set the vibrance to 100 and saturation to 100 also.


  1. Both of these are awesome. You did a great job messing around with the colors and lighting. I can't decide which one I like better. Cool idea on the sunset photo

  2. That flower Photo was great to start with, but now I like it even more. I really enjoy the sky in this shot. Nice Job!

  3. I love the photo of the flower, especially the angle. I like how intense/bright the colors are, the blue, purple, and touch of yellow go well together.
