Saturday, August 14, 2010

Photography Final

Slide One— I adjusted the contrast to positive 100 and added a text box
Slide Two— I changed the hue/saturation to cyanotype and added a text box
Slide Three— I loved the natural look of this, so I only added a text box
Slide Four— I increased the vibrancy and saturation to 100 and added a text box
Slide Five— Adjusted the Contrast and Brightness and added text.
Slide Six— I changed the photograph to black and white and darkened it. Also added a text box.
Slide Seven— I set the contrast to 100 and added text.
Slide Eight— I added a text box and darkened the photo slightly.
Slide Nine— I changed the color balance to blue 100 and added text.
Slide Ten— I adjusted the colors to make it orange. I also added text

I am not able to get on the CCV website to post it, I think it is down for the time being, but I will be sure to put it there when I can. I just wanted you to see it was done.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


This is my boyfriend. He usually hates getting his picture taken, but he was a good sport and I told him I would fail if he didn't help :P

Basically I wanted to try a little bit of everything. I tried the rule of thirds, different lighting, different perspectives, playing with eye contact. I always pictured portraits as sitting still, straight on photos, like school pictures. I liked experimenting with this.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Clone Stamp & Patch Work

This assignment was tricky for me, cause a lot of my pictures are so up close that there isn't much room to fix them or clone them. For the most part I tried my best, I hope everyone likes them.

Adding Text

This is the Randolph Softball team right before the championship game. I wanted the message to be as dramatic as the picture. I love this picture, it shows a lot of emotion.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dodge and Burn

These are 2 before and after photos. What I did in both of these was adjusted the darkness and contrast. For the second photo I used a downward curve which help to darken it even more.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fixin' Photos

I don't know if you could exactly call this fixing the photos, but rather making them different.

For The Sunset and heart photo I decreased saturation to -25, increased hue to +25
,darken it to -7 and set the color balance to red +80.

For the Flower photo, I wanted to make it look as surreal as possible. I wanted it to kind of look heavenly. For this photo I adjusted brightness to 100 and contrast to 40. I adjusted curve output to 219 and input to 244. I set the vibrance to 100 and saturation to 100 also.

The Late Layers

I am sorry this is so late, so I tried to do some humorous photos to lighten the mood!

Sorry again everyone!

Friday, July 9, 2010


Ok let's try this again...

All 4 of these were taken in Maine. I like to do land scape photos with a lot of sky in that back because it gives it a rule of thirds touch bringing the focus to the actual land. That's one thing you'll notice with all of my photos.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Rule of Thirds

For some reason I cannot see my photos to put them in order, it's all codes. However, I hope you enjoy my photographs!

The Slideshow

This assignment took FOREVER!! Sorry it took so long to post it!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Week 5

Composition in Photography is my favorite thing. Photography is the chance to get everyone to see something how you view it. I like to see that world as loving and peaceful, that is why a lot of my photograph are colorful, flowers, hearts, and playful. My goal when I compose my pictures is to bring some sort of joy and happiness to at least someone out there. But how do I, how do many photographers compose? There are 5 main elements to composing a photograph.

Element 1- Patterns.

Patterns are like illusions, some see it, some don't, it is your job as a photographer to catch the patterns and allow people to see what you're seeing, it's kind of like an "oh, I got it!" photo.

Element 2- Symmetry

A symmetrical photo can be hard to capture. I like to use landscape photographs for symmetry. For example, when the leaves start to change, I like to go out and catch photos of the bright orange and red leaves in half the photo and and the still green pine trees in the other half. It's like the Vermont half and half of beauty.

Element 3- Texture

Texture is a fun thing to play with. Look at the first blog photo that the professor posted, he asked us to guess what it was, It is still unclear what it is, for all we know it could be a wrapper on the side of the road, but he captured the texture and made it beautiful.

Element 4- Depth

Depth is the funnest composition trick of all! You can make someone who is 4ft tall look like a giant. Not only that, but depth increases the image and really brings it out.

Element 5- Lines

I don't particulary like this element. I feel like it really distracts and makes a simple image complicated. I posted a photograph last week of a cat with a piece of grass pointing to his face. Although it draws your attention to his face, I would rather do without, but that is the point of lines. It is to draw the focus of the viewer to the image.

"Instead of looking at composition as a set of 'rules' to follow- I view it as a set of ingredients that can be taken out of the pantry at any point and used to make a great 'meal' (photograph)."
- Darren Rowse


Three Lights Six Photos

All of these photos were taken in different weather and day time situations. All of these were taken with the macro setting on my camera. This is my favorite setting because it catches things the naked eye would not see.
Photo 1 was taken on a rainy morning.
Photo 2 was taken on a cloudy evening around sunset.
Photo 3 was taken on a sunny afternoon.
Note how the actual color of the flower in photo 3 has actually changed. I can asure everyone these are the same flowers!
Photo 4 was taken on the rainy morning.
Photo 5 was taken on a sunny afternoon.
Photo 6 was taken on a sunny afternoon, but from a different angle.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Week 4

This Photo is suppose to be my analogous photograph. I want to say its' gold orange and black, but some may see the sky as reddish or pink. You be the judge.

This photo is my monochrome color scheme. I think it looks too simple and needing of a little more color. Then again I guess that's what makes it MONOchrome.

I chose 2 pictures for the complentary because I couldn't quite get one that was exact opposite.

<---This is stiches. I wish the piece of grass wasn't in front of his face, but I was able to capture the orange and green quite nicely.

I don't know if you want to call this magenta or purple, but I think the gold in the middle captures the opposite color affect nicely.

I hope I did this right and I hope everyone enjoys them!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

For Roy

Hey Roy, Here is the full picture of the flower. I hope this was the one you wanted to see!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I don't know how I feel about the collage. I took so many different pictures, that the collage doesn't really mesh well. This is a cool application, but maybed for a bunch of flower phots or a sports collage, something along those lines.
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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Contents of a Woman's Purse

I layed a sheet down on my living room floor and brought my desk lamp down on the floor to create a nice light. I took the picture straight up of what I saw. It looks bland, boring, and different hues and colors. Same Exact items from a different angle. It's clear how the perspective changes. This is one of my favorite photos. I think it looks like an add. The different angle has made everything appear silver rather than a gold tint that some of the coins have in the first photo.
I hope everyone enjoys these photos!! Eager to see what everyone else posts!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First Week of Classes

Well the idea of 3 classes during the summer time didn't exactly excite me. But after surviving the first week, I think I can safely say that I'm going to be alright. I am really excited to start taking some pictures. I'm really looking back for feedback on what people think. I never really have gotten criticism, and I am looking forward to it to be honest. This is pretty much a trial blog, to see how it all works, I'm pretty sure it's the correct way to do it! Looking forward to the next couple weeks with everyone!